This time of year is a time of celebration and reflection. Maybe because I have kids or maybe because I was an educator for so long, my ‘year’ is not a fiscal one or even one defined by the 12month calendar. My years are defined by the school calendar. So…every year in May I take note of all that has happened and what God has done for the past “season.”
This year, my thoughts go to what we will remember from this year…
The ups and downs, the things we learned, how we succeeded and how we failed, the little moments as well as the big ones, the times we laughed and the times we cried.
I still remember my Kindergarten class like it was yesterday -and not over 40 years ago. I remember my teacher, the games we played, the songs we sung, the naps we had to take (which I didn’t like one bit). I even remember the snack we were served every single day. I remember it so well that it is still my favorite “comfort” snack, and will always remind me of a time of great joy. (It’s graham crackers and orange juice in case you’re wondering).
I can remember a moment, an event, even things said to me for every year of my life. (If an elephant never forgets, then just call me Dumbo)
So…why am I telling you this? Because I believe that I’m not the exception when it comes to remembering the times when we grew and changed the most.
If you’ve invested your time and energy into discipling someone, I have no doubt that the one you discipled- no matter the age- will remember. They may one day forget your name, but they will not forget the impact you had on them. They may not remember the exact words you used, but they will remember the Truth you told them. One day they will “pull out” – from the deepest parts of their hearts- a seed of truth that you helped plant. They may forget when exactly it was planted, but they will remember it was lovingly put there by someone who cared.
I’m sure you all know chapter three of Ecclesiastes. It starts:
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…”
…and then lists many “a time to” examples.
My two favorite parts of Ecclesiastes -
3:11- “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
3:14- “I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him.”
You’ve each had a “season” with someone in your life. That season can never be duplicated. This specific time, the other people in your life, you…none of it will be exactly the same ever again.
The season is over, but He made it all beautiful- in its time. It wouldn’t be His plan to duplicate it because it was beautiful for the specific time and place He chose.
This season is coming to a close, but don’t you find it comforting and exciting to know that everything God does will endure forever-nothing to be added, and nothing to be taken away.
All those you discipled will remember a beautiful time when they learned and grew, laughed and played, worshiped and prayed; a time that will endure forever- in their hearts.
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