Monday, October 27, 2014

Imitation and Self-promotion

If imitation is the greatest form of flattery, then self promotion must be the greatest form of...what?

I am seriously trying to figure this one out.  There is something that really bugs me about self promotion.  This thing that gets in my craw comes in many forms.  It can be as simple as telling a story about how you were the best at something, to raising yourself up in a situation, making yourself seem more important than you are, or downright bragging. 

One thing that I can't seem to get past is the never ending links on Facebook.  Everyone has a blog- that's fine...obviously I have one too.  For whatever reason, it bugs me when people post their own blog links to other social media.  I won't say "I will never"- that's a dangerous trap, but so far- I've never felt the urge to post a link of my posts online anywhere.   That seems like self promotion.  It seems to scream- "please, listen to what I have to say, because it is smarter and better than anything you're thinking or saying right now."

Maybe that's why it bugs me so's self promotion with the intent of being imitated.  "C'mon- look at me, I have great things to say, AND you should all want to be just like me." 

Pure imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but asking for someone to imitate you...that is pride.  In the most impure form, it is actually idolatry. 

Let's get real...we all love, at least on some level, to be imitated.  We love being asked for advice, and we really love someone following our advice.  I'm not claiming to be any different...I'm no saint. 

As I've been sitting here on my bed (it's the closest thing to my very slow internet connection)- I've realized that this is not about those self-promoters at's about me and my own pride.

I'm terrified of crossing a line that I don't want to cross.  I've said to God (and others in my life)- one of my greatest fears in ministry is being the one kids follow.  I love that kids love me. I love that kids listen to what I have to say.  I love that kids remember what I teach.  My greatest fear in all of that is that they will follow me- not Jesus. 

Maybe my big problem with self promotion, and the reason I'm so leery to do it is that I'm afraid it will go to my head. 

I think God is calling me to "own" some authority He's given me in others' lives.  I also think the deepest desires of my heart- the ones about being a writer and speaker, the ones about being what my friend calls a good communicator- are being brought to the surface. 

My fear about jumping in feet first has nothing to do with the writing or speaking. It's all jumbled up in this upside down pride issue. The one that tells me it's self promotion; the one that says, you'll cross a line. 

I want to imitate one person only- Jesus.  I don't say that to be 'holy'- I say it because He is worth imitating and any self promoting He did was for the sake of people's lives and the Kingdom.

I have a lot of work to do with the Lord on this one. 
The best I can do right now is give others a break when I think they are self-promoting, and ask the Lord if there is something He wants to teach me through their boldness.