Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Water is Fine

Welcome to 2012.  If you’re like me, you hit the ground running on Jan. 2nd.  After getting past all of the Christmas/holiday hoopla, there is much work to be done.  It seems that we are all thrown head-first into the deep end of things as soon as the new year begins…no wading in slowly to get acclimated again. 

I wonder if this is how many of us treat our New Year resolutions.  Think about it, we hit Jan. 2nd or 3rd, and we jump head-first into whatever our new goal is.  Maybe we are going to eat right, so we throw out all the junk and fattening leftovers, and begin cooking with stuff we’ve never purchased before in our lives (like rice milk- yuck!).   Maybe we are going to get in shape, so we go buy new shoes, and we start running…not walking – remember we’re going in headfirst, so there is no easy climb here. Maybe we’re going to get organized, so our poor families are taken to task on cleaning out every closet, drawer, nook, and cranny in the house.  Things are donated, thrown away, and purged until you can say with confidence that everything has a place and purpose. The point is that we don’t wade in…we dive in.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with diving in; it’s the only way my kids ever get me into a pool or the ocean.  (Wading in is just too painful when the water is cold)

I think diving into anything has its benefits, but I think there are benefits to wading in as well.  Here are some pros and cons I thought about…
Diving in- pain is over quicker (like pulling off a band-aid), but the “thrill” is gone once you’re in
Wading in- the pain lasts a little longer, but the benefits seem to last longer too (endurance is accomplished over time)

An argument could be made either way when diving in/wading in pertains to our Spiritual life.  (Does the old song lyrics “I’m diving in..I’m going deep” come to mind?)
Diving in- to God’s Word…going deep…going headfirst with determination in following the Lord.  Not looking back at our old life.  Head-first with gusto.
Wading in- taking the time to listen, not just do…experiencing all that God is showing you…slowly going deeper without missing anything along the way. Slow with endurance.

I’m a wader myself.  I never start a diet (or anything else new) the first week of January.  I want to, but I don’t because I know I won’t stay with it.  I decide what I need to do/change, and then I slowly start making those changes. (This doesn’t mean I didn’t clean out a few closets- J)
My Spiritual life has all the markings of a wader too.  My faith walk has been on a slow and steady growth curve for many years.  I think God has granted me endurance for the long haul, a buoy or two when I wasn’t quite ready for the deepness of the water, and an enormous life boat when I’ve faced some tidal waves.  The point is, I’ve waded in, and now I’m enjoying the times I can tread patiently, the times I get to swim out deeper, and the times I get to go rest on the rocks.  I even enjoy the waves- or at least the other peaceful side of those waves.

So, are you a diver or a wader?  One is not better than the other, but it’s good to know which one you are.  God has a specific walk (or swim with all the water references) for each of us.  We’re all trying to get to the same place, but our journey there may look a little different.  So, figure out with the Lord how He’s wired you, and then go head-first, or wade in. 

Either way, the water is fine.

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