Monday, November 21, 2011

Will it Matter?

65 hours = 2 ½ days
1,550 miles = $170 in gas
One hotel room for two nights = $195
College Audition = 5 hours of nervousness
17 year old son all to myself = Priceless

I just love those old MasterCard commercials.  It’s one of those that sticks in my head even more than the old Wendy’s “Where’s the Beef” or Nike’s “Just Do It.”  I’m always looking for ways to use it in the stories about my life.  After last week’s journey…it seemed to fit.

Between 5:45am on a Thursday morning, and 8:30pm on a Saturday night (around 65 hours), we drove that 1,550 miles.  In between the driving, we slept, ate, got gas, bought coffee (to stay awake!), auditioned for a Music Conservatory, saw a live show done by the conservatory, and met with the admissions director at the college. 

It was a crazy 2 ½ days, but truly some of the best 65 hours I’ve had in a long time.   Through all the craziness, the expenses, and the lack of sleep, I got to have my 17 year old son all to myself.  This is such a rare experience with teenagers that it is safe to say that it has never happened before, and I doubt it will ever happen again.  

I heard a quote recently that stuck with me.  “Will it matter in 10 years?”
A friend shared that as she makes decisions about what she does or doesn’t do, she asks herself this question first.  For me, this was particularly important as I “gear” up for the holiday madness, and as I remembered that LONG trip with my 17 year old.

My son will not remember where we stayed on the trip, where we ate, or how much coffee we drank.  He may soon forget that I took off work or spent lots of money to make the journey with him.  
BUT… one day when he looks back at his life under my care, he will remember that I encouraged his dreams, spent time with him whenever and wherever I could, and didn’t mind putting all else aside when it came to supporting him.  I hope all the things I do today for/with my kids will matter in 10 years.

As for the impending craziness of the Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year season, I’ll ask myself this same question.
Think about it…
Will my family remember what centerpiece I made, or will they remember that I sat down at the table with them-not locked away in the kitchen trying to make the perfect turkey and dressing? 
Will my friends remember whether or not my Christmas card was handmade, or will they remember a message of hope and joy? 
What will I remember most- standing in line, fighting traffic, spending too much money, or the joy I felt as I remembered to keep Jesus first on His birthday? 

What will matter this year…what will matter in 10 years…what will matter eternally? 
All good questions that I will keep asking.

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