Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's a Party!

There are people to which the term “a party waiting to happen” is a good description.  My eldest is a good candidate for such a description.  You know the kind…outgoing, open to trying almost anything, quick with a joke, and even quicker with a hearty laugh at your attempts at being funny. 

There are also those people who are good at planning parties.  They follow or create a theme for the party.  The appropriate decorations, food and drink, and activities- most often games- are planned perfectly. Their parties are meant to create lasting memories from start to finish. I have more than one friend like this, and their parties do just what they are intended to do. 

Then, there is a third kind of party person.  This person doesn’t throw parties or wait around for a special occasion to celebrate.   I’m convinced this person doesn’t use the term “party” in most conversations.   The idea of pulling out the good china for the ordinary kind of dinners in their homes is a normal occurrence.  I know someone like this too.  Whenever she discusses big trips or get-togethers with close friends, she is quick to say there was no special occasion.  To quote her, “Why wait for a big birthday or anniversary- just do it because you can!”

I’ve often told children that when anyone accepts Jesus as their Savior, there is a party in heaven.  God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the entire heavenly realm celebrate the fact that another person has joined their eternal family.  I’ve asked kids to imagine clapping, singing, and lots of joyful noise at the party.  I’m sure children have put their own spin on that imagining, complete with party favors, music, games, and cake…lots of cake.  This truth about a heavenly celebration, found in the gospel of Luke, is used more to teach how excited God is when one of His children says ‘yes’ to Him, than to provoke a decision in that direction. 

Thinking about the three types of party people I know, and in light of the “rejoicing in heaven” mentioned in Luke, I wonder if the idea of a party somehow can and should be used to help with the decision process.  Maybe, in actuality, it already is for some people. 

The “why wait?” personality, after learning about Jesus and His promises, may be quick to make the decision to follow Him.  In their mind and heart, there is no time like the present.   They know that life is to be lived today.  They fully grasp the fact that you don’t have to wait until you have “it” all together or some kind of perfect plan before jumping in.  And, after making that decision, the ones among us who live a “good china for everyday” kind of life may also have the best grasp on what it means to be thankful.  Every day is a gift and they live with a very certain sense that God is near.

The “perfect party” planners are just that- planners.  After hearing the gospel and about their need for a Savior, they may plan it out in their heads and hearts.  They discover bit by bit how all the pieces of life with the Lord fit together.  I would imagine this personality goes to great lengths to pursue the Spiritual disciplines- not because they are legalistic- but because it’s part of the process of living life with God.  After making the thoughtful decision to follow Jesus, these planners now have the freedom to lead a memorable life.  Their life is chock-full of stories about seeing God’s plans and promises come true.  At every turn, and with every up and down part of life, they will notice His handiwork and purposes. 

The “party waiting to happen” people love life and maybe the exploration of life even more.    These are the people who live with passion; passion for things and passion against things.  A movement stirs their hearts, they love a cause they can get behind, and the truth is spoken and received only when it is tempered with deep emotion.  I’m certain those in this category are the hardest to convince that following Jesus is the best and most important decision they will ever make. I’m also convinced that once they make that decision, they will never look back, and will follow Him so passionately that others will want to join them.  These internal partiers who laugh deep and loud, and laugh at others’ jokes, are the ones who also love deeply and loudly, and invite others to know love too. 

For every personality and every kind of partier, there is a party.  There is a party waiting to happen, a party that’s planned in perfect detail, and the everyday- just because I love you- celebration happening simultaneously in heaven.  {Luke 15, Revelation 19, Zephaniah 3}

Whether we are exploring the other parties of life first, waiting until we have it all together, or just going about life with no concept of there being something more, we are offered the same promise.  The invitation was delivered on a cross, the door to the party was opened with the tearing of a veil, and the celebration began when a tomb was found empty. 

Luke 15:7- “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” 
Luke 15:10- “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

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