Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Holy Week- Reprise

Indulge me for a moment and think back on your week.  What happened…what did you do…more importantly, what did God do? 

Without giving you a full run-down and schedule- my week looked something like this…
Work (and all that it entails)
Helping with school projects
Various meals with friends
Getting a window repaired
Running carpool
Cooking and cleaning
Trips to the bank, the post office, the dry cleaner, and the grocery store

My week was eventful, but not necessarily full. 

As I wrote this week’s lessons I thought a great deal about the week between Palm Sunday and Easter.  It was only a week, but so much happened.  It was certainly eventful AND full.  In the scope of God’s plan- which we know began at Creation- it amazes me that the full definition of our faith seems to have happened all in the course of just seven days…or did it?  Yes- the Holy Week that we celebrate ends with our Savior’s death, burial, and resurrection. This is the sum total of why we have the hope of eternal life with the One and Only- with the Living God. 

But…God is by no means “spontaneous” (for lack of a better word) in His plans.  He didn’t decide suddenly one Sunday (Palm Sunday)- “this will be the week.”
His plans had been laid out in advance.  He knew the time, the place, the weather, the witnesses who would be present…everything in advance.  That week in history was part of His bigger story all along. 

So, knowing that, one has to wonder…if every week leading up to that one was intentional and part of His glorious plan, then hasn’t every week after that been the same?  Jesus came once, but He will come again (Hallelujah!).  If every hour, day, week, month, and year that led up to His first coming were laid out for a specific purpose, then we have to assume that every bit of time until His second coming is just as important. 

Now I’m left wondering… if my week – which I’m the first to admit is nothing special- really is…well, special.  For this season in time while I (and you) walk on this earth, God is just as much at work.  Palm Sunday begins Holy Week.  But…if we live in the reality that every week is laid out by our Creator to get us one step closer to either seeing Jesus return or meeting Him in heaven, then we can accept that every week is a holy one. 

I pray that the awe we experience during Holy Week will carry over into the other 51 weeks of our year.  He lives and works every week- even the ones that don’t seem that “full” to us. 

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